Congham Hall Hotel Gardens in Norfolk

Congham Hall’s award-winning gardens play an important role in the life of the hotel. Our gardeners work tirelessly to make sure the gardens always look beautiful whatever the season.

The gardens are also dog-friendly, so guests can enjoy a peaceful stroll with their four-legged companions through our beautifully maintained grounds.

Herb Garden

Over 400 different varieties of herbs

Apple Orchard

An ancient apple orchard with rows of Cox and Laxton trees


Meet our 4 expert gardeners

The herb garden

The herb garden was historically the main feature of the hotel’s garden. In its’ hayday it appeared in many magazines, newspapers and books and included over 400 different varieties of herbs. Today it offers the perfect backdrop for our guests to meander as well as supplying the kitchen with herbs for flavouring and garnishing seasonal dishes served in the restaurant. The bar staff also use the herbs to add to our teas, Pimms and cocktails.

Plants growing in the Congham gardens
Outdoor bath tub and table and chairs on a cabin balcony area

The apple orchard

The ancient apple orchard has many rows of Cox and Laxton trees, which our chefs use to create delicious dishes such as crumbles or tarte tatins. As part of our regeneration program, we have also planted new apple trees between the orchard cabins. We are trying to increase our wildlife planting at the hotel and areas of orchard have been planted with wildflowers. We have also created a wildlife pond in another area.

Meet our gardeners

We have four gardeners at Congham. Bryone who is responsible for overseeing the gardens and the planting program. Ben and Liam are responsible for making sure that the gardens are always well maintained and looking spick and span. Ben loves whizzing round on the mower cutting the many acres of lawns that we have while Liam enjoys pruning the fruit trees. Sally keeps the flowers looking lovely for as long as possible by deadheading them.

Path and buildings in the Congham Hall gardens

Our garden seasonality

We try to ensure there is always something to the see in the gardens all year round. Some areas have seasonal summer and winter planting using annuals in the summer and spring bulbs over winter.

Other areas such as the herbaceous borders have permanent planting. Flowers are carefully chosen with long flowering periods and over the past few years most of the garden has been replanted. We nurture a vibrant cut flower section, where blooms are regularly handpicked to bring fresh bursts of colour and fragrance to the hotel’s reception areas.

At Congham Hall, nature always keeps us on our toes. One of our most playful guests is the Muntjac Deer, with an insatiable taste for our beloved flowers. Last year, they took a particular liking to our tulips, but, we’ve learned to adapt, and now we’re embarking on a new floral adventure and planting some Hyacinths, adding new colour and fragrance to the gardens.

Stay within the gardens

Our 11 Garden rooms are all dog friendly and are located around the spa garden. Each room has a patio with terrace furniture and the Best garden rooms are slightly bigger than the Better garden but all are big enough to accommodate your dog. We will also provide a bowl, treat and blanket to help your dog settle in.

Congham Hall, Congham, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1AH

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